I have a UserControl that I have successfully been using as a header for presentations that involve a list which can be headered, using the xaml below:
<DockPanel >
<uc:ListSubjectHeader Subject="{Binding DisplayName}"
AddNewItemCommand="{Binding AddCommand}"
ImageSource="..." />
<!-- other controls -->
I would like to use this same control in another presentation where it would be the content for the header in a HeaderedContentControl, and came up with this xaml to do that:
<HeaderedContentControl Content="{Binding Path=DetailViewDepartment}" >
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type vm:DepartmentSelectionViewModel}">
<uc:ListSubjectHeader Subject="{Binding DisplayName}" ... />
The visual elements show up the way I want them to, but data does not. I should note that I am using the same view model (vm:DepartmentSelectionViewModel) in a different control's DataTemplate in the same presentation, which I asked as a different question here. If you know the answer to this one you likely know the answer to that one too.
How can I fix this?