Hi everyone,
I am having a certian issue with special characters in my XML. Bascially I am splitting up an xml into multiple xmls using Xalan Processor.
When splitting the documents up I am using their value of the name tag as the name of the file generated. The problem is that the name contains characters that arent recognized by the XML processor like ™ (TM) and ® (R). I want to remove those characters ONLY when naming the files.
<xsl:template match="products">
<redirect:write select="concat('..\\xml\\product\\en\\',translate(string(name),'</> ',''),'.xml')">
The above is the XSL code I have writter to split the XML into multlpe XMLs. As you can see I am using hte translate method to subtitute '/','<','>' with '' from the name. I was hoping I could do the same with ™ (TM) and ® (R) but it doesnt seem to work. Please advice me how I would be able to do that.
Thanks for you help in advance.