




What is the best way to minify jQuery with other js files. My goals is one request for all my JS files. I have about 6 other js files that I would like combine with jQuery and the jQuery UI. When I leave the jQuery library and UI library out of the minification file it is fine. So I have three requests:

  1. jQuery library
  2. jQuery UI
  3. minified remaining js files

I tried combining the 1&2 with 3 but jQuery always says it is undefined. I tried using both the minified and NON minified versions of jQuery.

I am using the php minify program from yahoo. Any suggestions?

Thanks, Brian


Make sure you combine them in the correct order. jQuery must be first.

David Radcliffe
Thank you for the suggestion. Too clarify I also tried that. I put jQuery first then the other files. Am I missing something simple? Has anyone done this before? I know I could load from Google's CDN but I prefer to put them all in one file.
Sorry I had the jQuery library first but the jQuery UI was called above that. I moved that below and it worked perfectly. I am going to try combining all three now with jQuery first, UI second and then the remaining. Thanks.

Try using Reducisaurus, as long as you define the files in the right order everything should work fine.

PS: Make sure you cache the Reducisaurus minification, sometimes it is too busy to serve your files.

Alix Axel