I'm sure this is a really simply question, and I apologize if it is...
I'm using Rails 3 and jQuery, and am trying to bind an ajax:success to a remote form submission. The data that is being returned by the function will be in JSON format - and for some reason, I CAN NOT ACCESS the data. I don't understand how to fix it. Here's where I create the form:
Search: <%= form_tag(configurations_url(:format => :json), :remote => true, :method => :get) do %>
<%= text_field_tag :query %><br />
<%= submit_tag "Search"%>
<% end %>
And then, on the bottom, I have this jQuery written to attach a function to the tail:
jQuery("document").ready(function() {
jQuery("div#configuration_search_form form").bind('ajax:success', function(json) {
select_tag = jQuery("div#configuration_select_form form select")
none_found_div = jQuery("div#no_configurations_found")
select_form_div = jQuery("div#configuration_select_form")
if(json.length > 0) {
jQuery.each(json, function(index, config) {
option_tag = "<option value='" + config.configuration.id + "'>" + config.configuration.name + "</option>"
} else {
So, the data that is being returned is json data, and it's perfectly valid. In fact, if I just write an ajax function by hand on the bottom, it works fine (that is, instead of using ajax:success, I just wrote an jQuery.ajax to react to a submit), but I'd rather not have all the extra code, since the form with the remote tag is so tidy. Is tehre a way I can fix this?
To clarify - what happens is, there is no error, but even if results are returned, it takes the trunk to unhide the 'no results found' div.