




I've been tasked with developing a timesheet application in sharepoint. Currently we use spreadsheets with a standard list of categories and then we add various subcategories/projects/tasks we are working on and our hours.

I've mostly built asp.net apps. My question is do you think this type of application can be built using sharepoint using the standard lists and items in sharepoint without writing code?

I get the feeling that is won't work very well using sharepoint.


That's what we use around here. We have a list of customers, projects and hours. the only thing we needed to develop was a custom event receiver that sums up hours for a project, so we can see actual vs planned. We've set up several tabs, one showing reporting for a person, one proejct drill down with connected web parts and one planned vs actual. We've used it for nearly 3 years and it works perfectly. development time for the event receiver - about an hour

Vladi Gubler
+2  A: 

In the 'Fab 40' Application Templates for Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 that Microsoft released there is a Timecard template.

The Timecard Management application template for Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 helps teams track hours spent working on various projects.

Or how about Create a Timesheet Application with SharePoint and Exchange

You could also look at adapting this OSS TFS - Timesheet project (Team Foundation Server is built upon SharePoint).

There are also quite a few commercial packages such as PointBeyond's Straight Forward Timeshets. (no connection)
