



I need to disable PUT, DELETE & TRACE HTTP requests on my Application Server, Apache Tomcat 6.0.

All other sources, i have searched till now, have directed me towards the limit parameter in httpd.conf, Hence I'd put it before-hand that I am not using Apache Web Server, and requests are directly being handled by Tomcat, and so there is no httpd.conf in picture.

Please suggest how should I do it on Tomcat?

+6  A: 

Inside your WEBINF, add you can add a security constraint:


Alternatively, you can do these two things:

In server.xml, edit the <connector> element, add an attribute: allowTrace="false". Then edit the DefaultServlet: $CATALINA_HOME/conf/web.xml

<!-- blah blah blah -->
James Schek
Thanks James, What should be the <url-pattern>, in case I'm adding it to server's web.inf instead of app's web.inf? (WEBROOT\conf\web.xml)
Mohit Nanda
A wildcard such as '/*' should work, I think.
James Schek
+1  A: 

The answer lies in the servlet specification. In looking at the API for the servlet: you'll see that different methods handle different kind of HTTP requests. Also, there is a great feature called filters that can be used to wrap some code around servlets and filters.

So the solutions are:

  • Modify the servlet to only support do and get; or
  • Create a filter to clear those other kind of requests.
Modifying the servlets is a dicey proposition at best. It may not be possible to modify a framework override the doPut, doDelete, etc. Plus, it requires *every* servlet be modified which is error-prone process. The filter is probably a better approach and provides the most control.
James Schek

The solution is excellent
