



I'm trying to get a nice overlay effect going with a slider using easyslider 1.7, not only should this include images but also text that represent the image. Now I'm having trouble lining up the text on the page where I need it.

That is the home page, The section where you see the black overlay on the main scrolling image is where the text is supposed to sit. Now if I get rid of the code to scroll the text, the text sits where it is supposed to. However as soon as I add the script to scroll the text at the same time, it seems to make the text disappear.

Here's my Code. HTML

<div class="filler">
   <div class="filler-picture">
   <div class="filler-img">
   <ul>{% for project in rotations %}
        <li><img src="{% thumbnail project.key_image.get_absolute_url 559x361 crop,upscale %}" width="559" height="361" alt="{{ project.title }}" /></li>
     {% endfor %}
<div class="filler-mask">
 <img src="{{ MEDIA_URL }}img/filler.png"  alt="filler" />
<div class="filler-text">
  <span class="filler-text-left">WaterTiger</span>
     <span class="filler-text-right">Project watertiger is a test project whilst we get all the site together, call it a filler if you must, there is no project watertiger your only dreaming.</span>
  <span class="filler-text-left">Dragonfly</span>
     <span class="filler-text-right">Project Dragonfly is a test project whilst we get all the site together, call it a filler if you must, there is no project dragonfly your only dreaming.</span>
  <span class="filler-text-left">Spacemunch</span>
     <span class="filler-text-right">Project Spacemunch is a test project whilst we get all the site together, call it a filler if you must, there is no project Spacemunch your only dreaming.</span>


.filler {

     position: relative;


.filler-mask {
    position: absolute;
    left:0; top:0;
    z-index: 100;

    position: absolute;
    left:0; top:0;
    z-index: 50;


.filler-text {

      width: 558px;
      height: 68px;
      position: absolute;
      z-index: 200;
      color: #fff;


.filler-text li {

      list-style-type: none;
      z-index: 1000;


.filler-text-left {

      width: 169px;
      float: left;
      height: 48px;
      padding: 10px;
      font-size: 18pt;
      font-weight: 100;

.filler-text-right {

          width: 340px;
      float: right;
      height: 48px;
      padding: 10px;
      font-size: 10pt;

EasySlider Javascript

<script type="text/javascript">
         auto: true,
         continuous: true,
         speed: 1800,
         pause: 5000,
         nextId: "next2",
         prevId: "prev2"
         auto: true,
         continuous: true,
         speed: 1800,
         pause: 5000,
         nextId: "next2",
         prevId: "prev2"


Note I have tried putting the script for the text under the script for the image, this has no change to the look of it.
Hoping someone can help.

+1  A: 

Adding slider effect to filler text sets its properties to by jquery

It is the result of your li inside the filler-text not taking its height. so first solution is to make the li take its height by adding clearfix in advance mode or simple:

<div style="clear: both;"></div>

after each

<span class="filler-text-left">WaterTiger</span>
<span class="filler-text-right">Project watertiger is a test project whilst we get all the site together, call it a filler if you must, there is no project watertiger your only dreaming.</span>

So it looks like:

<span class="filler-text-left">WaterTiger</span>
<span class="filler-text-right">Project watertiger is a test project whilst we get all the site together, call it a filler if you must, there is no project watertiger your only dreaming.</span>
<div style="clear: both;"></div>

And finally manage the top position of your filler-text

even with this clearfix it still doesn't seem to have any effect.
Neil Hickman
you can check the final output in my sample doc: the copy of ur doc. only you have to add the above clearfix and manage top position using: <style>.filler-text{bottom: 10px;}</style>
ok so that bit is working, but now its overflowing when the picture slides. perhaps this is a sizing issue but then it resets again when it gets back to the starting image?
Neil Hickman