



Consider this (using apsw here):

s = ["A", "B", "C"]
c.execute("SELECT foo.y FROM foo WHERE foo.x in (?)", (s, ))

This doesn't work, because a binding parameter cannot be a list. I want to bind a list of strings to ?. I know how to build the appropriate query-string manually, but I wonder if there is a way to do this with bindings.


I had this problem around 4 years ago, and then I found out it was impossible to bind lists to sql (i was using mssql server and ODBC provider, but also considered direct sql calls)
In my case i was just building the queries manually and it was efficient. In case you have a very long list of values you will have to create another table, populate it in runtime and join with it in your sql.


Going with the multiple question marks idea by Fabian, how about

c.execute("SELECT foo.y FROM foo WHERE foo.x in (%s)" % ', '.join('?' * len(s)), s)
Marius Gedminas
I should've checked gimel's link before answering. It's the same answer.
Marius Gedminas

Since not enough people voted to close this as a duplicate, here is a link to a question that has a good answer.
