Hi !
I use a listview to display data like a data matrix (columns and rows). My problem is : my items are typed : MatrixCellVM. I tried everything I found on the net to apply a DataTemplate on this items but nothing worked.
Here is the latest technique I'm using
foreach (var col in dataMatrix.Columns)
//create the data template
DataTemplate cellLayout = new DataTemplate();
cellLayout.DataType = typeof(MatrixCellVM);
//set up the stack panel
FrameworkElementFactory spFactory = new FrameworkElementFactory(typeof(Grid));
spFactory.Name = "myComboFactory";
//set up value textblock
FrameworkElementFactory cellValue = new FrameworkElementFactory(typeof(TextBlock));
cellValue.SetBinding(TextBlock.TextProperty, new Binding("Value"));
cellValue.SetValue(TextBlock.ToolTipProperty, "Value");
//set the visual tree of the data template
cellLayout.VisualTree = spFactory;
new GridViewColumn
Header = col.Name,
DisplayMemberBinding = new Binding(string.Format("[{0}]", count)),
CellTemplate = cellLayout
One more thing, when I override ToString() in MatrixCellVM, the value is displayed (but with this technique I add a context menu or give any color to my value).
Thanks for your help !