One day I was reading the python docs and I came across the functools.partial() method (or I read about it somewhere -- I can't remember). A little playing around led to the following code I now put at the beginning of every python script I write:
import sys, functools
nl = "\n"
def StreamOut(stream, *s, **kw):
k = kw.setdefault
# Process keyword arguments
sep = k("sep", "")
auto_nl = k("auto_nl", True)
prefix = k("prefix", "")
convert = k("convert", str)
# Convert position arguments to strings
strings = map(convert, s)
# Dump them to the stream
stream.write(prefix + sep.join(strings))
# Add a newline if desired
if auto_nl:
out = functools.partial(StreamOut, sys.stdout)
outs = functools.partial(StreamOut, sys.stdout, sep=" ")
dbg = functools.partial(StreamOut, sys.stdout, sep=" ", prefix="+ ")
err = functools.partial(StreamOut, sys.stderr)
out("Hi there", "how are you?")
outs("Hi there", "how are you?")
Put it into a file and try them out. This makes for some easily-extendible functions.