I have to use a provided script that takes user input while the script is running instead of parameters. I can't get around this.
An example of script would be:
echo "param one"
read one
echo "param two"
read two
echo "param three"
read three
echo "param four"
read four
echo "param five"
read five
I would like a way to be able to call this script and provide parameterized input, something like:
./scriptNameWrapper.ksh 1 22 333 4444 55555
I've tried googling, and either I'm not asking the question correctly, or more likely I can't see the wood for the trees.
I've tried this, which doesn't work:
I'm clearly not a *nix expert, but I'm sure I've seen this done before, I just can't find any examples out there. This is beginning to get frustrating, and any help would be greatly appreciated.