



Matlab prints figures in either black/white or color. A black/white print of a figure is NOT the same as a color print tweaked to black/white: every color including the light ones is translated as black. (Light colors that look good on screen or a color printer look horrible on a black/white printer)

I would like to print a PDF file of a figure. My problem is that there doesn't seem to be a PDF driver for MATLAB that outputs black/white rather than color.

See the print command: -dpdf is the PDF driver but it is color.

Is there any way I can do this?

(edit: shows the interactive way of doing this, but I need a programmatic method, otherwise it will get tedious rather quickly.)

+2  A: 

You could convert it to an EPS (-deps or -deps2) and then use eps2pdf (which uses GhostScript) to convert that into a PDF. I generally convert all my figures to this way.

+4  A: 

You can fully automate the print process:

Yair Altman
+1 very useful.
Hmm. This doesn't seem to affect `print(fignum, '-dpdf', filename)` even if DriverColor is set to 0.
Jason S

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