Hey fellow coders,
I have this situation where I want to use MEF in a chess project I'm workin on. Let's say I have a class constructor as in:
public class MoveManager { private Piece _piece;
public MoveManager(Piece piece) { _piece = piece; } Mode code here... }
In this context I would have several classes that would derive from Piece like, Pawn, Rook, etc. If I put export attributes on all the classes the derive from Piece, the object being passed into the constructor is null. MEF loops through all classes the have the [Export(typeof(Piece))] and if it exceeds 1, it passes in null. So I cannot use MEF in this way. I'm going to use an Abstact Factory for getting the correct piece. Seems like the DI part of MEF can only take a single class that has the [Export(typeof(some base class))].
Can anyone shed some light on this?
David W.