



I'm wondering what's the Spring way of serving static files. It should support:

  • Written in a Springy way!
  • Simple and reliable
  • Support for resuming downloads (eg. Range request header, and Accept-Ranges, ETag and Last-Modified response headers).
  • Support for client-side caching (eg. If-None-Match and If-Modified-Since request headers, and HEAD requests for ETag, Last-Modified, and Expires response headers
  • Support for GZIP compression (eg. Accept-Encoding: gzip header)

Something like the following, but using the idioms of Spring 3...

+1  A: 

You can make a @Controller with @RequestMapping("/static/{resourceName} and use the same logic as in BalusC's Servlet

As for gzip - use Tomcat's or Apache's configuration options.
