I checked IRC for redmine and was unable to get help. I was conflicted on weather to stick this on Superuser, ServerFault or here, but as my problem is technically programming oriented I decided to look for help here.
We have a Mercurial repository system with a layout based on projects that addresses our needs. I wrote some shell scripts which work delightfully to manage the repository and put them in correct places etc. I am trying to call these scripts and pass them parameters from Redmine. I am editing the app/controllers/projects_controller.rb (lines 75 -> 87)
I have managed to pull the project parameters and current user, but I have two custom fields I added (using the custom fields in Redmine Administration) and I am trying to access the values of these custom fields. Does anyone have any idea how I can get these?
My current working test statement is below:
system "echo '#{@project.identifier}, #{User.current}' >> /tmp/rm.log"