We have a service where we literally give away free money.
Naturally said service is ripe for abuse. To defend against this we do the following:
log ip address
use unique email addresses (only 1 acct/email addy)
collect more info like st. address, phone number, etc.
use signup captcha
BHOs (I've seen poker rooms use these)
Now, let's get real here -- NONE of this will stop a determined user.
Obviously ip addresses can be changed via a proxy (which could be blacklisted via akismet) but change anyways if the user has a dynamic ip or if more than one user is behind a NAT'd network (can we say almost everyone?)
I can sign up for thousands of unique email addresses each hour -- this is no defense.
I can put in fake information taken from lists for street addresses and phone numbers.
I can buy captchas from captcha solving services (1k for $5).
bhos seem only effective for downloadable software -- this is a website
What are some other ways to prevent multiple users from abusing the service? How do all the PPC people control click fraud?
I know we could actually call the person but I don't think we are trying to do that anytime soon.