



Say I'm extending a TextBox called CustomTextBox in .net. In certain situations I would like to force a tab to the next TabIndex on the form. Is there a way to do this beyond getting all the controls contained in CustomTextBox's parent, sorting them by their TabIndex, and then focusing the next ordinal one?

+7  A: 

I think you are looking for something like the following method:

form1.SelectNextControl(textBox1, true, true, true, true);

(All the trues are just different options, read the intellisense!)

You did say it is WinForms and not WebForms right?

Hope that helps!

Zachary Yates

If you're extending a normal Winforms Textbox, you can set the AcceptsTab property to True or False, depending on your needs. If it's true, then a tab character will be inserted into your textbox. If it's false, then hitting the Tab key will move focus to the next control in the Tab Order

I think EMaddox84 meant how does he 'programmatically' force a tab, not how does he set up his controls to accept tabs.
Zachary Yates