



I'm working on Pong in C# w/ XNA.

I want to use a random number (within a range) to determine things such as whether or not the ball rebounds straight, or at an angle, and how fast the ball moves when it hits a paddle.

I want to know how to implement it.

+9  A: 

Use the Random class. For example:

Random r = new Random();
int nextValue = r.Next(0, 100); // Returns a random number from 0-99
It's worth noting that you should only create a *single instance* of Random (per thread). For simple, single-threaded games, making it a `public static readonly` member of the derived Game class is what I usually do. See also Jon Skeet's answer:
Andrew Russell
+1  A: 
Random rnd = new Random();
rnd.Next(minValue, maxValue);


+1  A: 

Use the Random object's Next method that takes a min and max and returns a value in that range:

var random = new Random();    
int randomNum = random.Next(min, max);
Justin Niessner
+1  A: 

While you can use the Random class like all the other are suggesting, the Random class only uses psuedo-random number generation. The RandomNumberGenerator, which can be found in the System.Security.Cryptography namespace, creates actual random numbers.

How To Use:

RandomNumberGenerator rng = RandomNumberGenerator.Create();
byte[] rand = new byte[25]; //Set the length of this array to
                           // the number of random numbers you want

More Info:

RandomNumberGenerator is an abstract class. :) Use the RNGCryptoServiceProvider which derives from this class. Nevertheless it still produces "cryptographically strong" random numbers, which is still pseudo random. And according to, RNGCryptoServiceProvider is slower and overkill for this matter.
Ranhiru Cooray
This will be more random but may have a performance hit, so balance accordingly. You may not need this amount of randomness and it also might not be quite as easy to use as Random
I thought I'd just through it out there as an option. To be honest, I probably just use Random as well.
`RandomNumberGenerator` doesn't generate "actual" random numbers; it's still a PRNG. The numbers generated by `Random` are fine if all you need is stochastic randomness. A cryptographic PRNG just generates numbers that are far harder to predict.
Will Vousden
+4  A: 

Unless you need cryptographically secure numbers, Random should be fine for you... but there are two gotchas to be aware of:

  • You shouldn't create a new instance every time you need one. If you create an instance without specifying a seed, it will use the current time as the seed - which means if you create several instances in quick succession, many of them will produce the same sequence of numbers. Typically you create a long-lasting instance of Random and reuse it.
  • It's not thread-safe. If you need to generate random numbers from multiple threads, you should think about having one instance per thread. Read this blog post for more information - but make sure you read the comments as well, as they have very useful information.
Jon Skeet
+1. Excellent tips; I've seen people get bitten by those time and time again. My favorite is mistake w/ Random is when people instantiate it inside a tight loop and seed it w/ `DateTime.Now` hoping that that will fix the problem. :)
Esteban Araya

Here is my random generator

 private static Random rnd = new Random(Environment.TickCount);

 private int RandomNum(int Lower, int Upper)

 return rnd.Next(Lower, Upper);//MyRandomNumber;
