Hello guys ! I am coding a little app in order to learn ruby and web development in general. The app is a little blog and the web server is mongrel. I have set up a simple MVC structure on top of mongrel, with a front controller and a url dispatcher. When I go to the url http://myapp/article/show/hello for the first time, the content of "hello" article is displayed.
But from that point, when I refresh the page or go to another url, it's the 404 error page I have set up that I see. The only way I found to fix the problem is to restart the server for each request, wich clearly, is not a solution !
My code looks like this :
require 'rubygems'
require 'mongrel'
require 'config/settings'
require File.join(Settings::UTILS_DIR, "dispatcher.rb")
class FrontController < Mongrel::HttpHandler
def process(request, response)
route = Dispatcher.new.dispatch(request.params["REQUEST_URI"])
controller = route["class"]
action = route["method"]
params = route["params"]
action_output = controller.new.send(action, params)
response.start(200) do |head, out|
head["Content-Type"] = "text/html"
out << action_output
h = Mongrel::HttpServer.new("", "3000")
h.register("/", FrontController.new)
require File.join(Settings::CONFIG_DIR, "controllers.rb")
class Dispatcher
def dispatch(uri)
uri = uri.split("/")
if uri.size == 0
return {"class" => Controllers.const_get(:ArticleActions), "method" => :index, "params" => nil}
route = {}
unless uri[1].nil? and uri[2].nil?
controller_class = uri[1].capitalize << "Actions" # All controllers classes follow this form : ControllerActions
controller_method = uri[2]
route["class"] = Controllers.const_defined?(controller_class) ? Controllers.const_get(controller_class) : nil
route["method"] = ( route["class"] and route["class"].method_defined?(controller_method) ) ? controller_method : nil
route["params"] = uri.slice(3, uri.size) ? uri.slice(3, uri.size) : nil
# If url not valid
if route["class"].nil? or route["method"].nil?
route["class"] = Controllers.const_get(:ErrorActions)
route["method"] = :error404
route["params"] = nil
To launch the app and the server, I just do ruby launch.rb. Since the last night, my head is hurting. Any idea ? Thanks.