




What do in qualifications do i need to get be a cyber police?

{if you cant answer please dont close post like my 1st post, if i cant ask question and find answers then wat is the need of such sites. Discuss if u dont know or dont undertsand wat is being asked}

Thanks in advance -subanki


Define "Cyber Police". You mean as in, real police working in the field of computer / internet related crime?

The requirements for this will vary heavily depending on which country and which law enforcement institution / police department you would want to work for. I imagine though that a Computer Science degree won't hurt in any case.

If you are hoping for somebody here to know more, you will need to at least specify which country you are talking about. Still, I think your best bet is to talk to your national police force(s)'s recruiting offices.

"You mean as in, real police working in the field of computer / internet related crime? "yes friend u r right........oh sorry about my nationality ... i thought it was an indian site . i from india.
@subanki then I would talk to a cyber crime unit like the one you linked to. I'm sure you'll find people willing to give you more information. Also, I don't think such institutions offer internships, what with all the sensitive data etc., but who knows? Why not ask.
hmm ok. thank you. i am happy, atleast u took interest in discussing the problem and trying to help me. thanks again friend.
@subanki no problem. What you *will* need is a fundamental understanding of computer science - much further than knowing specific programming languages, they are just tools for the trade. So studying basic CS is probably not a bad idea in any case.