


+1  Q: 

DataTable Query

Hi, I am new to LINQ. I am trying to find the rows that does not exists in the second data table.

report_list and benchmark both type are : DataTable. Both these datatables are being populated using OleDbCommand,OleDbDataAdapter. I am getting an error "Specified cast is not valid." in foreach ... loop. I would appreciate your help.

            var result = from a in report_list.AsEnumerable()
                         where !(from b in benchmark.AsEnumerable()
                                 select b.Field<int>("bench_id")
                         select a;

            foreach (var c  in result)
+1  A: 

I don't know if I understood your question. Are you trying to get the items that exists in the first table but not in the second?

var first = new string[] { "b", "c" };
var second = new string[] { "a", "c" };
//find the itens that exist in "first" but not in "second"
var q = from f in first
     where !second.Contains(f)
     select f;
foreach (var s in q) {


I suggest you to make the inner query first, once it does not depend on the outer record.

Rafael Romão
From a in report_list
Group Join b in benchmark On a.bench_id Equals b.bench_id Into g = Group
Where g.Count = 0
Select a

Note that this is VB syntax.


My suspicion is that one of the fields you are comparing is not an integer in the database. I believe that the invalid cast exception is being thrown by one of the Field<int>() calls since that is one of the three different exceptions that this method can throw. See docs here.


Perhaps use the .Except() extension to get the set difference of the two sets?

(from b in benchmark.AsEnumerable()  
    select new { id = b.Field<int>("bench_id")}).Except(
         from a in report_list.AsEnumerable() 
             select new {id = a.Field<int>("BenchmarkID")})

Not actually sure of the precise syntax, but that should work by taking the ids in benchmark, and then removing all equivalent ids in report_list, leaving only the ids that don't match. (I hope this is the order you were after...)

Note: This is also assuming that the above issue mentioned by tvanfosson isn't also a problem
