F# function
given a list of items e.g.:
and a Search Index, I require a function such that it compares the current given index against its neighbor, returning the largest index
- Given Index 1 will return Index value 2 (because 10 is greater than 5).
- Given Index 4 will return Index 4 (because 53 is greater than 4)
Currently this is my function. It does not compile:
let GetMaxNode (x:Array) Idx = if x.[Idx] > x.[Idx+1] then Idx else If x.[Idx] < x.[Idx+1] then Idx+1
The errors I'm getting for all the x' are:
The field, constructor or member 'Item' is not defined (FS0039)
And also the second If:
The value or constructor 'If' is not defined (FS0039)
I suspect I'm still thinking in a procedural way, I was thinking about using pattern matching, however I was not confident enough with the syntax to try it.
Please can you also explain the answer as well, as I'm trying to learn F#, just the solution will not help me much.