



F# function


given a list of items e.g.:


and a Search Index, I require a function such that it compares the current given index against its neighbor, returning the largest index


  • Given Index 1 will return Index value 2 (because 10 is greater than 5).
  • Given Index 4 will return Index 4 (because 53 is greater than 4)

Currently this is my function. It does not compile:

let GetMaxNode (x:Array) Idx = if x.[Idx] > x.[Idx+1] then  Idx else If  x.[Idx] < x.[Idx+1] then  Idx+1

The errors I'm getting for all the x' are:

The field, constructor or member 'Item' is not defined (FS0039)

And also the second If:

The value or constructor 'If' is not defined (FS0039)

I suspect I'm still thinking in a procedural way, I was thinking about using pattern matching, however I was not confident enough with the syntax to try it.

Please can you also explain the answer as well, as I'm trying to learn F#, just the solution will not help me much.

+3  A: 

Here's some code based on yours:

let GetMaxNode (x:_[]) idx = 
    if x.[idx] > x.[idx+1] then  
    elif x.[idx] < x.[idx+1] then  
        idx // same, return this one

The main changes are

  • to declare an array type, say <typename> []. In this case, we don't care about the type, so I use _ as a "don't care, please go infer the right thing for me" type variable.
  • "else if" is spelled elif in F#
  • need an else case for if equal
How would this look if done via pattern matching, eg match x with etc?
@Darknight, as commented by Tomas, and as gradbot's pattern matching version demonstrates, you don't gain anything matching against Arrays. Pattern matching is used to decompose structures the F# compiler knows about: lists, tuples, option types, discriminate unions, and active patterns.
Stephen Swensen
+3  A: 

It is difficult to write solution to your problem in a functional style, because your problem is defined in terms of indices - when using functional data structures, such as lists, you don't usually refer to the elements by their index.

A functional version of your question would be, for example, to create a list that contains true when the element at the current position is larger than the next one and false when it is smaller. For your data this would give:

let data = [ 5;     10;   2;     53;   4 ]
let res  = [ false; true; false; true; ] // no item to compare '4' with 

This can be solved quite nicely using a recursive function that walks through the list and pattern matching (because pattern matching works much better with functional lists than with arrays)

let rec getMaxNodes data = 
  match data with 
  // list has at least two elements and current is larger
  | current::next::other when current >= next ->
      // process the rest of the list
      let rest = (getMaxNodes (next::other))
      // return 'true' followed by recursively processed rest of the list
  // list has at least two elements and current is smaller
  | current::next::rest ->
      // same as the previous case, but we return false
      false::(getMaxNodes (next::rest))
  | _ -> 
      // one element (so we cannot compare it with the next one)
      // or empty list, so we return empty list

getMaxNodes data
Tomas Petricek
Are the words 'next', 'other', and 'current' keywords that F# understands or are they simply symbols that F# matches patters on? i.e if I wrote x::x1::xn would this be the same?
@Darknight: No, they're not. You can use any symbols you wish - when you need the first elemenet and the rest, the usual name used is `x::xs`, so perhaps `x1::x2::xs` would be a good naming. I tried to pick names that make the code easier to understand.
Tomas Petricek
+2  A: 

Here's the pattern matching version of Brian's answer.

let GetMaxNode (x:_[]) idx =
    match idx with
    | idx when x.[idx] > x.[idx+1] -> idx
    | idx when x.[idx] < x.[idx+1] -> idx + 1
    | idx -> idx // same, return this one

You may also see a syntax shortcut as you look at more F# code. The below code is functionally exactly the same as the above code.

let GetMaxNode (x:_[]) = function
    | idx when x.[idx] > x.[idx+1] -> idx
    | idx when x.[idx] < x.[idx+1] -> idx + 1
    | idx -> idx // same, return this one

Whenever you start talking about indices, you are best sticking with Arrays or ResizeArrays; F# lists are not well-suited for operations on indices since they are singly-linked head to tail. That being said, it is not too difficult to write this algorithm in a purely functional way by moving through the list using a recursive loop and keeping track of the current index and current element.

let find elements index =
    //a local tail-recursive function hides implementation details
    //(cur::tail) is a pattern match on the list, i is the current index position
    let rec loop (cur::tail) i =
        if i = index then //when the current index matches the search index
            if cur >= tail.Head then i //compare cur to tail.Head (which is next)
            else (i+1)
        else loop tail (i+1) //else continue
    loop elements 0 //the entry point of loop and our return value

Use a list of ints instead of strings to get the results you expect (since "10" is actually less than "5"):

> let x = [5;10;2;53;4];;
> find x 0;;
val it : int = 1
> find x 1;;
val it : int = 1
> find x 2;;
val it : int = 3
> find x 3;;
val it : int = 3
Stephen Swensen