I am trying to perform a simple URLRewriting. if you visit azamsharp.com it will take to some folder browsing structure it should go to http://www.azamsharp.com/AzamSharpWebApps/Default.aspx.
I don't want to see the AzamSharpWebApps in the URL: Here is the URL Rewrite I am using:
<rule name="Virtual Director" enabled="true" stopProcessing="false">
<match url=".*" />
<add input="{MyDomains:{HTTP_HOST}}" pattern="(.+)" />
<action type="Rewrite" url="{C:1}{REQUEST_URI}" />
<rewriteMap name="MyDomains">
<add key="azamsharp.com" value="/AzamSharpWebApps/default.aspx" />
<add key="www.azamsharp.com" value="/AzamSharpWebApps/default.aspx" />