



I've got a model like this:

class MyModel(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=255)
    code = models.FileField()

When a new MyModel is submitted, I want to allow for the code field to be left empty, in which case I need Django to create an empty file (with arbitrary name).

Question is: what is the right way to do it?

I couldn't find anything related in the docs, so I was looking at manually editing request.FILES before feeding it to MyModelForm(), but this looks like a dirty hack to me... Any ideas?


+1  A: 

I would store the code input in a CharField and then create a separate function that accesses the model and if the code does not contain any harmful methods it is then written to a file.

This takes care of creating the file (as a blank CharField will simply be outputted to an empty file) and allows for delegation to a security checker. Your setup would then look something like the following: Model:

class MyModel(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=255)
    code = models.CharField(MAX_FILE_LENGTH)


def Submit_Code(request):
     #Create MyModel using POST data
     return HttpResponse("Upload Successful")

def process_input_file(modelName):
     #assuming unique name. Use "id=" instead if needed.
     mm = MyModel.objects.get(name=modelName)
     if passes_security_checks(mm.code):
          f = open(, "r")

Edit New view:

def Submit_Code(request):
     mm = MyModel() = request.POST.get('name')
     f = open(,"r")
     #then associate the newly created file with the FileField however you want
     #passing through authentication/checking if need be.
     return HttpResponse("Upload Successful")
I would put the process_input_file code in the clean_code method of the form, this way handling all of the form's logic in one place.
Guillaume Esquevin
I think the code field should be a TextField instead of a CharField. I believe CharField is implemented as a VARCHAR(255) in MySQL, and I imagine you would like the ability to have more than 255 characters of code.
Off Rhoden
It's a nice idea, but having duplicated data in the CharField looks a bit like an overkill to me. For the moment, the submitted code is being checked anyway, so I don't see a reason for storing it separately. I've got all of the stuff implemented already and I just want to let users omit the code field and then edit it in-browser. The secure runtime is completely abstracted from the Django instance, and has no access to the DB or anything. Thus, having the code in a file is by far the best way. Finally, for the sake of other people here it would be nice to know the right solution.
Alex Letoosh
To clarify, are you getting the code from POST data? If so, see my edit :)
Please note that my example is not production worthy (As in, there's no error checking).