I am trying to create a dynamic picklist in a datatable. I can set the default value with a single picklist, but not when there are multiple ones. I also need to be able to store the value of whatever it is changed to on any row, which will hopefully be bound to some variable in a list.
To accomplish this I created a new field on the object I'm using (called Vendor), called "selected_vendor__c":
<apex:column headerValue="Vendor">
<apex:selectList value="{!i.selected_vendor__c}" size="1" required="true" >
<apex:selectOptions value="{!VendorList}"/>
And then here is the controller:
public List<selectOption> VendorList {get {
List<selectOption> myVendorList = new List<selectOption>();
for (Vendor__c vend : [select Name,id from Vendor__c])
myVendorList.add(new selectOption(vend.id, vend.name));
return myVendorList;
private set;
The problem I'm having is that the value in the picklist is always the first option from the list, not what I try to set it to dynamically. I'm hoping that it will be bound to "{!i.selected_vendor__c}" when saving, but I can't get it to be set to a default.