




I want to communicate with Adobe Air with a WCF Client. I have created the WCF service.

I have Flex Builder 3.0, but how do I communicate the WCF service using Adobe Air? Please guide me.



Flex Builder 3.0 not supported to communicate with WCF.

the feature only available in Flash Builder 4.0

This is simply not true.
Richard Szalay
Also, Flex Builder 4.0 is not a product. It was renamed Flash Builder.
Richard Szalay
click Data> Connect to Data Services it will show the template at the template we need to choose the Web Services (the WSDL url for your WCF service ("http://MyService.svc?wsdl"). its working fine
+1  A: 

To generate the proxy, click File > Import > Flex Builder > WSDL and select the WSDL url for your WCF service ("http://tempuri.org/v1/MyService.svc?wsdl").

A few things to be aware of:

  • Give the proxy a unique package, like org.tempuri.myService_v1. The importer will generate classes like Boolean that will conflict if you import several services into the same package.
  • The generated code has real problems with enumerations and Guids, so avoid both if you can. This may not be an issue with WCF 4 since it did significant updates in WSDL compatibility, but I have not tested it.
Richard Szalay
Is it possible in Flex Builder 3.0?
Yes, it is. I have a major product in production that uses WCF services from a Flex Builder 3 built solution.
Richard Szalay