This is the code i'm using to untar a file grep on the contents of the files within the tar and then delete the untared files. I dont have enough space to untar all files at once.
the issue i'm having is with the for f in `ls | grep -v *.gz line this is supposed to find the files that have come out of the tar and can be identified by not having a .tar.gz extension but it doesnt seem to pick them up?
Any help would be much appreciated
for i in *.tar.gz;
do echo $i >>outtput1;
tar -xvvzf $i; mv $i ./processed/;
for f in `ls | grep -v *.gz`; ----- this is the line that isn't working
do echo $f >> outtput1;
grep 93149249194 $f >>
outtput1; grep 788 $f >> outtput1;
rm -f $f;