my question is: how to pass some arguments to XML:Twig's handler, and how to return the result from the handler.
Here is my code, which hardcoded:
<counter name = "music", report type = "month", stringSet index = 4>
How to implement this by using arguments $counter_name
, $type
, $id
? and how to return the result of string_list? Thanks (sorry I did not post the xml file here because I have some trouble to do that. anything within < and > are ignored).
use XML::Twig;
sub parse_a_counter {
my ($twig, $counter) = @_;
my @report = $counter->children('report[@type="month"]');
for my $report (@report){
my @stringSet = $report->children('stringSet[@index=”4”]');
for my $stringSet (@stringSet){
my @string_list = $stringSet->children_text('string');
print @string_list; # in fact I want to return this string_list,
# not just print it.
$counter->flush; # free the memory of $counter
my $roots = { 'counter[@name="music"]' => 1 };
my $handlers = { counter => \&parse_a_counter };
my $twig = new XML::Twig(TwigRoots => $roots,
TwigHandlers => $handlers);