Binary search works only if the list is sorted according to the comparator. For lists that are not sorted or sorted according to other criteria, you have to filter them.
- Either loop though the list and do whatever you want to do in the loop body
- Or use a filter functionality from a library
If you want to filter, then I recommend Google Collections (or Google Guava, which is a superset of Google collections):
Collection<Dependent> filtered = Collections2.filter(dependentList, new Predicate<Dependent>() {
public boolean apply(Dependent from) {
return from != null && from.getId().equals(id_so_search_for);
Of course, you are not restricted to .equals()
, but can match according to any operation required (e.g. by regular expression).
If searches for one kind of data heavily outweight searches for any other kind of data, then storing them in a Map<kind-of-id, Dependent>
may be a good choice as well. You still can retrieve a collection of all stored objects using Map.values()
If one key maps to several items, then either use a Map<kind-of-id, Collection<Dependent>>
or (better) consider using existing Multimap functionality: or org.apache.commons.collections.MultiMap (note that Apache Commons does not have a genericized version of this).