I'm trying to do some scripted GUI testing in Windows using Ruby. I'm leveraging the guidance of a pragprog book and I'm hitting a bit of a snag. I've factored out some code to help with the repeatitive mapping of win32api functions. The code is as follows:
module WindowsGui
def self.def_api(function, parameters, return_value)
api = Win32API.new 'user32', function, parameters, return_value
define_method(function.snake_case) do |*args|
api.call *args
...So I can use that block to define several win32APIs in the module in the following fashion:
def_api 'FindWindow', ['P', 'P'], 'L'
I've got some RSpec tests to ensure this behaves as it should.
it 'wraps a Windows call with a method' do
find_window(nil, nil).should_not == 0
it 'enforces the argument count' do
lambda {find_window}.should raise_error
Everything works fine as for the first test, the second results in a seg fault. Seems that if I call this with no args, I can't touch *args - but I can do a args.length to see that it's empty.
Why would this result in a seg fault and not an exception? Would it be acceptable to resolve this through something like..
raise BadArgs if args.length == 0
Yet another question that is way too long - sorry for that.
TIA! Bob