I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong here or not, but I need to base the status of several objects off of the status of another. So I'm basically iterating over the parents, then getting their children and iterating over them to get their children etc. However, I don't know how to add jquery objects on to a jquery result object.
My code looks something like this (where bubbleDown is said result object):
while (i < bubbleDown.length) {
var curRow = bubbleDown[i];
child = curRow.getAttribute('class') //etc
parent = curRow.getAttribute('class') //etc
bubbleDown.add($('.' + child + ':not(.' + parent.replace(' ', '.') + ')'));
I've hidden some logic due to it not being applicable to my question. Anyway, it doesn't work, and not because the jquery fails to return objects. Can anyone help?