
Can I access the string returned from a Delphi CreateProcess command?

I'm using the Win32 CreateProcess function to perform a call to an external executable. The executable returns a string. Is there a way I can capture and interrogate the returned string after calling the executable? Failing that, I might have to write out the string to a file in the executable and read that in the calling program afte...

adding oracle's timestamp to query results

Hi All, yesterday you had taught me to query record history within a time range here. What more I need is to add oracle's (historical) timestamp to the results as a column. Is it possible? Thanks in advance. ...

Arrays as result type and input for functions

in delphi7 i have a function that i need to return a array as a result type b "function createsbox(key:tkey):array[0..255] of byte;" this is not allowed it is expecting a "identifyer expected but array found" is the error throw up. seems to work fine if i declare a record type of array but it seems pointless to do this for one function....

Sharepoint Lists.asmx: The request failed with an empty response.

Hello All, I'm writing a very small app to create and test caml querys for sharepoint. While executing the GetListItems method I'm receiving the following exception; System.Net.WebException: "The request failed with an empty response." The service is located on a https address (ssl). I setup the service as follows; result = new List...

C++ file parse number of arguments

Hi all! I got a pack of c++ files with static source code (already developped, not needed to do anything to them). There is an program/lib/way to get a list of the number of params each function withing one of those files? I mean, getting a result like: #File a.cpp ##a() -> 3 paramss ##foo() -> 0 params (void) #File b.cpp ##test() -...

Can I not load a given mapped property (nhibernate)?

I am using WCF for my project and i need to transit some entities through it. The thing is that some of them have lists inside, with an enormeous ammount of items, and so forth, i cannot pass it through WCF, given its size. How can I, through code, not load a given property from the database, but load all the rest? ...

Supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource???

I get this error when I use this code for people to input data. The submit form won't be listed cause it's not useful in this circumstance: function some_more_custom_content() { $output="<BR>"; ob_start(); if ($_REQUEST['code'] != "") { $code = $_REQUEST['code']; $query="INSERT INTO `fc` (`code`,`datetime`) values ('" . mysq...

Bind Results from a Left Join using mysqli

Hi, I'm recently changing to mysqli and while performing an update on a script, i couldn't manage to use the same SELECT information as i did before. How can I bind_results from a Left Join between 3 tables? This is the script: "SELECT,, actor.gender,, thumbs.filename, thumbs.actorid FROM actors, thum...

equivalent of each() for mysql results, to mimic first loop of foreach()

Hi, I've seen in the code I'm working on, the following: foreach( $mysql_result as $row ) $site_id = $row->id; $mysql_result is, of course a mysql_result, so this foreach is equivalent to a while( mysql_fetch_row() ) Sometimes, the result is known to yield only one row, but the code still has a "foreach" so it gives the impression of ...

Changing ResultHandler of WebService Operation in Flex

How does one change / modify the Result property of a web service operation? For example, I have declared my WebService as follows: <mx:WebService id="ws"> <mx:operation name="Call_One" result="Call_OneRH(event)" fault="Call_OneFH(event)" /> <mx:operation name="Call_Two" result="Call_TwoRH(event)" fault="Call_TwoFH(event)" /> </mx:...

MySQL query execution return value?

Hi, I'm constructing an adapter for MySQL in PHP and I was wondering what should MySQL query execution method return? Should it return a result set? Or the last id / affected rows? ...

Is it possible to obtain result set of a sp as a table that I can query?

Hi, Is it possitble to get a stored-procedure's result set as a table so that I can query that? something like: SELECT PK_Item, Count(PK_Item) FROM (pMyStoredProcedure) --This sp returns a table that has PK_Item column GROUP BY PK_ITEM ORDER BY PK_ITEM DESC I am not an T-SQL expert but my friend says it is kind of impossible to do th...

Getting the Percentage of changes

How can i get the percentage of the changes which happened? Like 1. date 1343360810 objectId 1628 field 10 value 3 1. date 1242360811 objectId 1628 field 10 value 5 1. date 1243364812 objectId 1628 field 10 value 5 1. date 1240360814 objectId 1628 field 10 value 5 This would mean the v...

APNS result legend

Hi Guys, Does anyone knows what does int return values for APNS send push messages mean. To be more specific, here is my PHP server side directive: $res = fwrite($apns, $apnsMessage); Sometimes $res is 169, sometimes some other number. Has anyone deciphered this? Regardz, Mladen ...

Getting object as a result from func/proc in Delphi

What is the best practice for returning simple objects from functions / procedures in delphi? eg. 2 kinds of code: pass created object as reference, populate object in Proc, destroy it afterwards procedure Proc(var Obj: TMyObject); begin // populate Obj end; O := TMyObject.Create; try Proc(O); // manipulate populated object fin...

Create a copy of a result row

How can I copy an array that has other associative arrays in it? I am talking about a result set returned from a mysql_fetch_assoc. So say I have a structure like this... connect $result = query; while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { array_push($static_row, $row); // here lies the problem } I would like to get that $stat...

What does "result.status_code == 200" in Python mean?

In this little piece of code, what is the fourth line all about? from google.appengine.api import urlfetch url = "" result = urlfetch.fetch(url) if result.status_code == 200: doSomethingWithResult(result.content) ...

JavaScript/jQuery could do with some improvement

I am in the process of stripping down some code I've written for a Time Frame selector function that filters search results based on a selected Time Frame (Last Month, Last Quarter & Last Year) by hiding all irrelevant results based on when they were created. The function is called by a GET variable submitted on form submit ?time_frame_q...

Assigning the result of a JavaScript confirm box to a PHP variable

//this is in php function msgbox($msg, $type) { if ($type == "alert") { // Simple alert window ?> <script language="JavaScript"> alert("<? echo $msg; ?>"); </script> <? } elseif ($type == "confirm") { // Enter Confirm Code Here and assign the $result variable for use // ...

Result consisted of more than one row Error 1172 mysql

Hello im having a hard time with this stored procedure. im getting the error: Result consisted of more than one row. here is my stored procedure: DELIMITER $$ DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `dss`.`COSTRET` $$ CREATE DEFINER=`dwadmin`@`192.168.%.%` PROCEDURE `COSTRET`( TDATE DATE) BEGIN DECLARE done INT DEFAULT 0; DECLARE ls_id VARC...