
How do I append to an alist in scheme?

Adding an element to the head of an alist (Associative list) is simple enough: > (cons '(ding . 53) '((foo . 42) (bar . 27))) ((ding . 53) (foo . 42) (bar . 27)) Appending to the tail of an alist is a bit trickier though. After some experimenting, I produced this: > (define (alist-append alist pair) `(,@alist ,pair)) > (alist-append ...

What is the most efficient way to get the first item from an associative array in JavaScript?

I need to get just the first item (actually, just the first key) off a rather large associative array in JavaScript. Here's how I'm doing it currently (using jQuery): getKey = function (data) { var firstKey; $.each(data, function (key, val) { firstKey = key; return false; }); return firstKey; }; Just gu...

How are associative arrays implemented in PHP?

Can someone explain how PHP implements associative arrays? What underlying data structure does PHP use? Does PHP hash the key and store it in some kind of hash map? I am curious because I was wondering what the performance of associative arrays where when inserting and searching for keys. ...

How do I remove objects from a javascript associative array>

var myArray = new Object(); myArray["firstname"] = "Bob"; myArray["lastname"] = "Smith"; myArray["age"] = 25; Now if I wanted to remove "lastname"? there some equivalent of myArray["lastname"].remove()? (I need the element gone because the number of elements is important and I want to keep things clean). Thanks in advance to eve...

Oracle Associative Array TYPE is not able to use in USING statement (If TYPE is declared within Package)

Hi All, If 'Associative Array variable' is declared globally, able to use that in OPEN CURSOR USING statement. If 'Associative Array variable' is declared within package, while use in OPEN CURSOR USING statement, getting compilation error. More details provided below I am storing some values in one Associative Array variable. Late...

Change an associative array into an indexed array / get an Zend_Table_Row_Abstract as non-associative

Hi out there in Stackland. I was wondering if there was either a function or an easy way to change an associative array into an indexed array. To elaborate, I'm using the Zend framework, and I've got a point in my site where I take out a row of an SQL table as an associative array. I've passed it to javascript via an echoed in JSON. ...

javascript array associative AND indexed?

can an array in JS be associative AND indexed? I'd like to be able to lookup an item in the array by its position or a key value.. possible? ...

Compare two Arrays Javascript - Associative

Hi, I have searched on here for a quality method to compare associative arrays in javascript. The only decent solution I have found is the PHP.JS project which has some comparative array functions. The only problem is that these functions consider the first array as the key to the second. In my situation at least both arrays do not alway...

ASP print out array

Hi all, I would like to print out the data, for debugging purpose. Data format would be like this cntryCode = resArray("COUNTRYCODE") business = resArray("BUSINESS") ' Payer's business name. shipToName = resArray("SHIPTONAME") the resArray consist of more than 10 records itself. I tried to print out, but fail. version 1 not w...

*FIXED* Good with PHP arrays? HELP!

I know there are a lot of smart people, so prove me right! I want to combine arrays where similar named keys merge together to form a single array. See example: [Bob] => Array ( [BobsDetails] => Array ( [Title] => Mr ) ) [Bob] => Array ( [BobsDetails] => Array ( [Surname] => Smith ) ) How do ...

How can I convert a PHP function's parameter list to an associative array?

I want to convert the arguments to a function into an associative array with keys equal to the parameter variable names, and values equal to the parameter values. PHP: function my_function($a, $b, $c) { // <--- magic goes here to create the $params array var_dump($params['a'] === $a); // Should result in bool(true) var_d...

SQL Server - Selecting records with specific, multiple entries in an associative table

I’m working in SQL Server with the following sample problem. Brandon prefers PC’s and Macs, Sue prefers PC’s only, and Alan Prefers Macs. The data would be represented something like this. I've had to make some compromises here but hopefully you get the picture: TABLE 1: User uID (INT PK), uName (VARCHAR) 1 'Brandon' 2 ...

Creating 2-D matrix in php

The thing is I have to create a 2D matrix in php where each row and column must have a key. I tried to do this but what happens is that a 2-D array is created which does not resemble a matrix. I used the following code: $x=$row['start_id']; $y=$row['dest_id']; $d=$row['distance']; $this->map[$x][$y]=$d; Here map is the intended matri...

high speed interprocess associative array

Is there library usable from c++ for sharing fairly simple data (integers,floating point numbers, strings) between cooperative processes? Must be : high-speed (SQL-based methods too slow due to parsing) able to get,set,update,delete both fixed and variable data types (e.g. int and string) ACID (atomic,consistent,isolated,durable) us...

Create a copy of a result row

How can I copy an array that has other associative arrays in it? I am talking about a result set returned from a mysql_fetch_assoc. So say I have a structure like this... connect $result = query; while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { array_push($static_row, $row); // here lies the problem } I would like to get that $stat...

Multidimensional Associative Arrays in VB.NET?

Hi, is there in VB.NET something like this in php?: $var["a1"]['name']="Mike"; $var["a1"]['nick']="MMM"; I tried hashtables, dictionary, lists and arrays in .net, all I could get is a simple key=>value array Is there a simple solution if not, is there a class or something for this? Thanks. ...

PHP: Use associative arrays with preg_replace()

In the documentation for preg_replace is says you can use indexed arrays to replace multiple strings. I would like to do this with associative arrays, but it seems to not work. Does anyone know if this indeed does not work? ...

PHP search array and add content on position where id's are equal

Hi erveryone, I have 2 assoc. Arrays which have the same structure, but only one ID is identical. I need to add content to the MainArray from the IncludeArray everytime the specific ID is identical. Here are a sample of the Arrays (MainArray could hold up to 100 or more items, the sample contains only a portion of the real content): $...

Associative array lookup in memory

Its just a question out of curiosity. Suppose we have an associative array A. How is A["hello"] actually evaluated , as in how does system map to a memory location using index "hello"? ...

Non-standard joins in QlikView?

Lately we have been testing QlikView in the office. The first impression is good: it has an attractive interface and performs very fast. We want to use it as a database frontend for our customers. We are also trying to determine whether it can take over parts of our relational database structure. However, we are in doubt whether its data...