



Can someone explain how PHP implements associative arrays? What underlying data structure does PHP use? Does PHP hash the key and store it in some kind of hash map? I am curious because I was wondering what the performance of associative arrays where when inserting and searching for keys.

+3  A: 

Well, for what it is worth, all PHP arrays are Associative arrays.

+3  A: 

I'll leave this link for someone else to grind through, but you can view the actual C source for PHP at

+1  A: 

It's all hash tables, according to sources in various web forums:

If you want to be sure, read the source, then compile it, but make sure you can trust your compiler (Warning: PDF, and unrelated, but very cool).

+4  A: 

@EBGreen is correct.

Which gives you some interesting performance problems, especially when treating an array as a list and using the [] (array add) operator. PHP doesn't seem to cache the largest numeric key and add one to it, instead it seems to traverse all of the keys to find what the next numeric key should be. I've rewritten scripts in python because of PHP's dismal array-as-a-list performance.

Associative arrays have the standard dict/hash performance overhead.

Are you sure about this? I've just ran benchmarks on a test array of 1000 entries (copying to a new array, one by one), and if you don't specify the key for the new array, it's consistently 7% faster (on PHP 5.2.6)
It's possible they've changed it recently. I was using 5.1 when I was doing the work. PHP's array was AWFUL when you're talking about 10k entries or more.
+1  A: 

It's a hash table. The type declaration and hashing function are here:

There is a light weight array and a linked list within the spl (standard php lib)
