
Joining 2 SQL SELECT result sets into one

Hi. I've got 2 select statements, returning data like this: Select 1 col_a col_b Select 2 col_a col_c If I do union, I get something like col_a col_b And rows joined. What i need is getting it like this: col_a col_b col_c Joined on data in col_a. ...

Analyze every function I call

Hy guys. I want to analyze the result of each function that I call. If this result is a exception or is false then the script ends. I can do this manually, but it is a big waste of time to call a control function for each new function. Something like this: Can I configure PHP to set this error ...

How to save Visual Studio Load test results into database.

Hi everyone, I want to know how can I perform VS2008 load test from five different machines and store test results data into one place, for example one database. It is load test that test unit test. I specify scenario and counter sets and I get result and reports that I can save as .trx files. How can I save specific data from test r... mvc json result format

public class JsonCategoriesDisplay { public JsonCategoriesDisplay() { } public int CategoryID { set; get; } public string CategoryTitle { set; get; } } public class ArticleCategoryRepository { private DB db = new DB(); public IQueryable<JsonCategoriesDisplay> JsonFindAllCategor...

Subsonic result doesn't match query

Hello I'm running into a big problem here... I had a database in a hosting and everything was going fine. Now I've changed the database to another hosting and just one query is giving me problems. I'm getting results from a view and the result is nothing like the results produced by the other database even do the data is same and the vi...

struts2 result param not working

I am trying to figure out what is going on here... I have an action class with the standard getters/setters and lets say i have one for a property called 'category'. in my result mapping for the action in the struts.xml file, i am trying to add the value of this property to the URL for an action redirect. in my action class, i can ...

MVC and jQuery data retrieval.

Hello, I am using mvc and jQuery and I am trying to display someone's profile with some additional institutions that the person belongs to. I am new to this but I've done something like this in ProfileControler: public ActionResult Institutions(int id) { var inst = fr.getInstitutions(id); return Json(inst); } ...

[Linq to sql] query result what should i use Count() or Any()...

I am checking login of a user by this repository method, public bool getLoginStatus(string emailId, string password) { var query = from r in taxidb.Registrations where (r.EmailId == emailId && r.Password==password) select r; if (query.Count() != 0) { retur...

Cuda program results are always zero in HW, correct in EMU??

Hi all! I am having a weird problem .. I have written a CUDA code which executes correctly in emulation and all results show up.. however, when executed on hardware "G210" .. the results in the result memory are always 0 I am passing two vectors to the kernel, one with random variables the other is initialized to zero, the code copies ...

MVC Open a FileContentResult also return a json result with same action

Hi I Want to Open a File as pdf but i also want to return my resluts on web page with the same action how would i do that. here is my code. public JsonResult FindRecordings(SearchCriteria criteria) { if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty(criteria.OrderNumber) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(criteria.ReferenceId) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(...

XML Viewer with diagram,..

Hello, i am looking for an applet/application/code which reads XML. I know there are many 'Viewers' but i would like to list fields. Sort or search or group as GUI. So For example i have many books in XML and want to present them to lookup. Also a good feature is to convert fields (for example timestamps to date). Also producing diagram...

how can i configure my custom result type using convetions plugin in result.

I have created custom result class to serialize json data to xml. I want to configure this result class as a result type for some specific actions via conventions plug ins. But it is giving errors at the time of starting container. My code and error is given below. Please advice ASAP. Thank you for your valuable advice. My custom Resul...

Problem with processing intermediate results in MySQL stored procedure

Dear all, i try to do a little weighting of my data by using a stored procedure. Basically this means multiplying certain columns with their respective weights and adding them up in the end. I have written the following stored procedure: CREATE PROCEDURE test () BEGIN DECLARE w1 DOUBLE; DECLARE w2 DOUBLE; DECLARE res1 DOUBLE; DECLAR...

Flex3 Proble result not appear in explorer

I beginer in Flex.Im using Flex3.2 eclips Ide. i wanna create arc/curve . There is no error in my code. But after run that there is no any result appear in explorer . Can any help me . The code is bellow public var a:Number=45/360; public var b:Number=165/360; public var c:Number=285/360; private function start():v...

After find() does ActiveRecord support accessing/seeking in memory row by particular field value (BESIDES seeking using primary key)?

In the .Net universe I can use an arbitrary SELECT statement and load many rows into DataTable object. I can then find various DataRows using various field criteria (Name='Jack', Age=34, etc.). In Ruby on Rails, after doing this to load all employees into memory rs = Employee.find(:all) I want to seek a row based an arbitrary crit...

prolog, a conditional like form

Hi, well i'm having a hard time working with prolog (gprolog). My problem is this, I've the next predicate: prob(factA,factB,X,first):- X=<50. prob(factA,factB,X,second):- X>50,X=<80. prob(factA,factB,X,none):- X>80,X=<100. that is factA have 50% of probability of occur, factB a 30%, and lastly 20% of non of the facts occur. Also ...

What does "java result" means?

after execution of my program written in java I see this output: java result: 2147483647 . what does this number means anyway? this is the code. it should actually run random test cases on an acm problem solution! no way to stop normally! and when I stop it manually I see this output: Java Result: 2147483647 BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total tim...

How do I add objects to the jquery result object?

I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong here or not, but I need to base the status of several objects off of the status of another. So I'm basically iterating over the parents, then getting their children and iterating over them to get their children etc. However, I don't know how to add jquery objects on to a jquery result object. My...

How to convert a ResultEvent from amfphp into array collection flex?

Hello friends, how can I convert a source.result from AMFPHP into ArrayCollection? the function I'm trying without success is the following: public function listrecordsmail(source:ResultEvent,arrayDefinitionsargs:Array):void { //listamailsend.dataProvider = source.result; var array:Array = ArrayUtil.toArray(source.result); Se...


I am making a SOAP WSDL Request and get an exmpty result - no errors. The last_response is filled with: <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><S:Envelope xmlns:S=""&gt;&lt;S:Body&gt;&lt;ns2:getResponse xmlns:ns2=""&gt;&lt;rval xmlns="http://api.sponsore...