



Question: Is there any way to track how many website visitors are leaving your site because it takes too long to load?

Running IIS (not sure the version), ASP.NET 1.1, Proprietary Compiled & Obfuscated CMS.

Background: I'm currently working for a conglomerate of 20 companies, and about 8 of their websites are running a proprietary CMS based on ASP.NET 1.1 developed by a local company.

Those sites will frequently not load at all, crash the web server, or take an unacceptable time to load (45 seconds to 1 minute is common).

+1  A: 

Why not use Google Analytics and track the average time spent on a site/page? Time less than 1 or 2 minutes would mean that you are not capturing your audience.

The problem is that Google Analytics never fires, because the ASP.NET application takes forever to start up. If there is a solution, it probably would require server-side logging or something. I suppose I could load a plain index.html file with ga.js, then 301 redirect to default.aspx, then compare pageviews between the two...but that seems dangerous SEO-wise, and doesn't account for direct traffic to anything but the homepage.
Chris Fletcher
Good point, I suppose IIS log parsing is in your near future :) err... :/