A few thoughts and some code.
What differences do you see? How can you tell it's width first? I don't see a case where the end result should be a different size, if it's a quality problem an example might help.
It doesn't look like the api exposes a way to stretch one way and then another but we can certainly make a method or two to give it a try. There are two approaches below, the first, two_step_resize resizes in one direction and the the other. The second, resize_with_rotate rotates the image, resizes it, and then rotates it back.
For the examples I ran it through I don't see any oddness in either solution.
require 'RMagick'
#Change the size in two steps, height first then width
def two_step_resize(img, filename, max_x, max_y)
x = img.columns
y = img.rows
#make sure it's a float w/ the 1.0*
ratio = (1.0*x)/y
new_y = max_y
new_x = ratio * new_y
if (new_x > max_x)
new_x = max_x
new_y = new_x / ratio
# do the change in two steps, first the height
img.resize!(x, new_y);
#then the width
img.resize!(new_x, new_y)
#save it, with the least compression to get a better image
#spin the image before resizing
def resize_with_rotate(img, output_filename, max_x, max_y)
res = img.rotate(90).resize_to_fit(max_y, max_x).rotate(-90)
img = Magick::Image.read(filename).first
two_step_resize(img, "2-step.jpg", 100, 200)
img = Magick::Image.read(filename).first
resize_with_rotate(img, "rotate.jpg", 100, 200)