




I have a JTable with column headers. When I click on a column header the data gets sorted. This is the default sort behavior.

The thing is that I need to remember the last column the user clicked to sort. Anyone knows which listener I need to implement in order to catch the column name that user clicked for sorting on the JTable?

The code is already implemented and I'm new to Swing. I just need to add that extra functionality. So any clues will be helpful.

Thanks in advance.

+1  A: 

Use Swing-X components, there is a JXTable which is more powerful than JTable.

Although this is a good suggestion, it doesn't answer the question.
Jay Askren
+1  A: 

You can add a MouseListener to the JtableHeader. Then you just use the columnAtPoint(...) method to determine when a column is clicked.

Thanks for that answer. So now how can I manually sort a column that will simulate a user clicking on a column? I couln't find a method that will do that. Should I manually fire a MouseClicked event?
see the sort() method of the DefaultRowSorter.