



I am currently painting a light blue, partly transparent overlay over owner-drawn objects to indicate certain state. It's OK but I thought that it would be even nicer if I could at some sort of glass effect to further establish the idea that the particular object has "something" overlaid over the top of it.

I thought that some glass streaks, for example, in addition to the blue transparency would lend a nice effect.

I've Googled around for GDI+ (and others) algorithms to do simple things painting like this but have come up empty. Links to any (fairly simple) algorithms in any language would be appreciated. I prefer .NET but can figure out the painting from pseudo-code on up.

Sorry, shoul've also specified that I need to target WinXP and using .NET version 2.0 - So unable to use WPF or Vista/Win7 goodies.


You could try the Aero Glass function, if you are using Vista or Windows 7.

These might be helpful:

That would require a separate window for every control and you need to move it with the underlying form ... doesn't sound very nice, actually.
Not exactly: "An application can apply the blur effect behind the whole client region of the window or a specific subregion. This enables applications to add styled path and search bars that are visually separate from the rest of the application."

I've not done this myself but, have used codeproject source to render a sample...Try this:

public static Image DrawReflection(Image _Image, Color _BackgroundColor, int _Reflectivity)
    // Calculate the size of the new image
    int height = (int)(_Image.Height + (_Image.Height * ((float)_Reflectivity / 255)));
    Bitmap newImage = new Bitmap(_Image.Width, height, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
    newImage.SetResolution(_Image.HorizontalResolution, _Image.VerticalResolution);

    using (Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(newImage))
        // Initialize main graphics buffer
        graphics.DrawImage(_Image, new Point(0, 0));
        graphics.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;
        Rectangle destinationRectangle = new Rectangle(0, _Image.Size.Height, 
                                         _Image.Size.Width, _Image.Size.Height);

        // Prepare the reflected image
        int reflectionHeight = (_Image.Height * _Reflectivity) / 255;
        Image reflectedImage = new Bitmap(_Image.Width, reflectionHeight);

        // Draw just the reflection on a second graphics buffer
        using (Graphics gReflection = Graphics.FromImage(reflectedImage))
               new Rectangle(0, 0, reflectedImage.Width, reflectedImage.Height),
               0, _Image.Height - reflectedImage.Height, reflectedImage.Width, 
               reflectedImage.Height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
        Rectangle imageRectangle = 
            new Rectangle(destinationRectangle.X, destinationRectangle.Y,
            (destinationRectangle.Height * _Reflectivity) / 255);

        // Draw the image on the original graphics
        graphics.DrawImage(reflectedImage, imageRectangle);

        // Finish the reflection using a gradiend brush
        LinearGradientBrush brush = new LinearGradientBrush(imageRectangle,
               Color.FromArgb(255 - _Reflectivity, _BackgroundColor),
                _BackgroundColor, 90, false);
        graphics.FillRectangle(brush, imageRectangle);

    return newImage;
Joe Garrett

I was actually able to achieve a basic glass effect by overlaying my image with a rectangle about one third the size of the image below that contains a gradient fill of white that starts at 25% opacity and goes to 75% opacity. This is single bit of painting produces a glassy "streak" that I was happy with. The same idea could be repeated a number of times with a variety of rect widths to produce several "streaks" that will give the illusion of a glass overlay.

Paul Sasik