Welcome Our company has 4-6 programmers, each one working on 1-2 projects, and few more awaiting in schedule. Problem - from my point of view - is as long as I work here I work alone - so do all others.
I tried to talk with my boss that I want to work with others, exchange knowledge, learn from each other. He understand me, but also states that there is no big project to put more than one programmer into. There is possibility to have big project in nearly future, but first we must have those not yet started. Other problem is even if one of us finishes project, the other will be in the middle of his - so the first one will get another "small" project.
We started doing some internal trainings to share knowledge, but it's not the same as some challenging project did together with others.
What should I point to my boss trying to convince him to try harder to form a programmers team?