Does anyone know of any peakfitting libraries for Java?
I want to give it an array of data, and it tell me the position of the peak.
eg for this data:
x, y
-5, 0.875333026
-4, 0.885868909
-3, 0.895851362
-2, 0.903971085
-1, 0.908274124
0, 0.907117054
1, 0.901894046
2, 0.894918547
3, 0.887651936
4, 0.880114302
5, 0.872150014
it will say that the peak is at (about) -0.75
I'll probably just want to fit a gaussian, or maybe a split gaussian...
I've tagged it as curve-fitting
, not peak-fitting
or peak-finding
as I don't have enough reputation to make new tags...
edit: I would prefer Apache (or compatible) licensed code...