



Does anyone know of any peakfitting libraries for Java?

I want to give it an array of data, and it tell me the position of the peak.

eg for this data:

x, y
-5, 0.875333026
-4, 0.885868909
-3, 0.895851362
-2, 0.903971085
-1, 0.908274124
0, 0.907117054
1, 0.901894046
2, 0.894918547
3, 0.887651936
4, 0.880114302
5, 0.872150014

it will say that the peak is at (about) -0.75

I'll probably just want to fit a gaussian, or maybe a split gaussian...


I've tagged it as curve-fitting, not peak-fitting or peak-finding as I don't have enough reputation to make new tags...

edit: I would prefer Apache (or compatible) licensed code...


Do you want to determine the position of peak by least-squares fitting? I think the most popular method for this is Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm.

I don't know any Java libraries, but I'd search for terms like: nonlinear curve fitting, nonlinear least-squares, Levenberg–Marquardt or just Marquardt method. You may also consider coding it yourself. If you have a library for matrix manipulations it is like 20-30 lines of code (see Numerical Recipes).

Finally, there is my program for peak detection and peak fitting (peak means bell-shaped curve), on GPL. It includes a library (libfityk) and SWIG-based bindings to this library for Python and Lua. Someone reported generating also Java bindings and using libfityk from Java. But honestly, it may be an overkill for your needs.
