Your authentication checks should be in a library:
The is an excerpt from a basic codigniter authentcation script:
class Site_sentry
function Site_sentry()
$this->obj =& get_instance();
function is_logged_in()
if ($this->obj->session)
if ($this->obj->session->userdata('session_logged_in'))
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
return FALSE;
function login_routine()
//do login here (enter into session)
This library is stored in application/libraries under a filename named after its class with the .php suffix.
Then you can either add this to your autoload config file application/conig/config.php:
$autoload['libraries'] = array('database', 'site_sentry', 'session');
or load it manually in each controller:
Then you can check your session from within controllers, like so:
class Class extends Controller{
function Class()
if( $this->site_sentry->is_logged_in() == FALSE){
Also check this documentation page; of particular interest is the storing the session into the database section.