I have a series of python modules written which are held in the same directory and I am having trouble with an ImportError.
The three modules I am using are draw_menu.py
, errors.py
and file_operations.py
In errors.py
I requires a list of error codes, I am using a custom method defined in file_operations.py
to open a file containing the codes therefore I am using import file_operations
just below the she-bang (above the class definition).
In file_operations.py
I use a method defined in error.py
to print error messages upon errors (e.g. file not found etc.). I therefore import errors
in the same way here.
The above has been working fine but when I come to using draw_menu.py
which uses a file to define the options in an ascii menu (therefore I am using import file_operations
) an ImportError is encountered.
ImportError: cannot import name file_operations
I understand that this is because the 'import tree' if you like flows as follows:
<- file_operations
<- errors
<- file_operations
It is important that each module can be used individually, why is this an issue and how can I overcome this without removing import file_operations
from errors.py