I got this really cool Moq method that fakes out my GetService, looks like this
private Mock<IGetService<TEntity>> FakeGetServiceFactory<TEntity>(List<TEntity> fakeList) where TEntity : class, IPrimaryKey, new()
var mockGet = new Mock<IGetService<TEntity>>();
mockGet.Setup(mock => mock.GetAll()).Returns(fakeList);
mockGet.Setup(mock => mock.Get(It.IsAny<int>())).Returns((int i) => fakeList.Find(fake => fake.Id.ToString() == i.ToString()));
mockGet.Setup(mock => mock.Get(It.IsAny<Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>>>())).Returns((Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>> expression) => fakeList.AsQueryable().Where(expression));
return mockGet;
and to use this...
var fakeList = new List<Something>();
fakeList.Add(new Something { Whatever = "blah" });
//do this a buncha times
_mockGetService = FakeGetServiceFactory(fakeList);
_fakeGetServiceToInject = _mockGetService.Object;
How do I toss this into Rhino.Mock?