I downloaded Android SDK components from http://dl-ssl.google.com/android/repository/repository.xml.
Now my question is how to install these components? I am using Eclipse and the AVD plugin for Eclipse is installed.
I downloaded Android SDK components from http://dl-ssl.google.com/android/repository/repository.xml.
Now my question is how to install these components? I am using Eclipse and the AVD plugin for Eclipse is installed.
Don't download components directly from that URL.
Instead you should install the SDK components with the Android SDK and AVD Manager as shown on the Android Developers site.
since you downloaded the components already, you also need to download the "core" sdk from the android dev site.
extract that to your desired location, then extract the "platform tools" to the platforms directory in the "core", extract the "sdk tools" to the "tools" directory in the "core".
your android sdk directory should look something like this: