




I have a table that is populated depending on how many cars are there. If the number of cars is 1 it will give me the 1 row (where 5 attributes are arranged in 5 columns). If the number of cars is 2 it will give me 2 rows(same 5 attributes), & so on. Now I need to split the table into as many cars are there so that there is just one row for every car. I need to do it in JSP and trying to use the tag <c:choose> or <c:if>, but isn't working . Please help

+1  A: 

You need <c:forEach> here. With it you can iterate over any List<T> and print the <tr> on every iteration. Assuming that you have populated a List<Car> and put it in the EL scope as ${cars}, here's an example:

    <c:forEach items="${cars}" var="car">

See also:

@mona: Did this answer help at all?