




I am writing a data processing program in Python and R, bridged with Rpy2.

Input data being binary, I use Python to read data out and pass them to R, then collect results to output.

Data are organized into pieces, each being around 100 Bytes (1Byte per value * 100 values).

They just work now, but the speed is very low. Here are some of my test on 1GB size (that is, 10^7 pieces) of data:

If I disable Rpy2 calls to make a dry run, it takes about 90min for Python to loop all through on a Intel(R) Xeon(TM) CPU 3.06GHz using one single thread.

If I enable full functionality and multithreading on that Xeon dual core, it (will by estimation) take ~200hrs for the program to finish.

I killed the Python program several times the call stack is almost alwarys pointing to Rpy2 function interface. I also did profiling, which gives similar results.

All these observations indicates the R part called by Rpy2 is the bottleneck. So I profiled a standalone version of my R program, but the profiling summary points to "Anonymous". I am still pushing my way to see which part of my R script is the most time consuming one. *updated, see my edit below**

There are two suspicious candidates through, one being a continuous wavelets transformation (CWT) and wavelets transformation modulus maxima (WTMM) using wmtsa from cran[1], the other being a non-linear fitting of ex-gaussion curve.

What come to my mind are:

  1. for fitting, I could substitute R routing with inline C code? there are many fitting library available in C and fortran... (idea from the net; I never did that; unsure)

  2. for wavelet algorithms.... I would have to analyze the wmtsa package to rewrite hotspots in C? .... reimplementing the entire wmtsa package using C or fortran would be very non-trivial for me. I have not much programming experience.

  3. the data piece in file is organized in 20 consecutive Bytes, which I could map directly to a C-like char* array? at present my Python program just read one Byte at a time and append it to a list, which is slow. This part of code takes 1.5 hrs vs. ~200 hrs for R, so not that urgent.

This is the first time I meet program efficiency in solving real problems . I STFW and felt overwhelmed by the informations. Please give me some advice for what to do next and how.



  1. http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/wmtsa/index.html

* Update *

Thanks to proftools from cran, I managed to create a call stack graph. And I could see that ~56% of the time are spent on wmtsa, code snippet is like:

W <- wavCWT(s,wavelet="gaussian1",variance=1/p) # 1/4
W.tree <-wavCWTTree(W) # 1/2
holderSpectrum(W.tree) # 1/4

~28% of time is spent on nls:

nls(y ~ Q * dexGAUS(x, m, abs(s), abs(n)) + B, start = list(Q = 1000, m = h$time[i], s = 3, n = 8, B = 0), algorithm="default", trace=FALSE)

where evaluation of dexGAUS from gamlss.dist package takes the majority of time.

remaining ~10% of R time are spent on data passing/split/aggregation/subset.

+1  A: 

For option 3.. getting your data in efficiently... read it all in as one long str type in python with a single read from the file. Let's assume it's called myStr.

import array
myNums = array.array('B', myStr)

Now myNums is an array of each byte easily converted... see help(array.array)... in fact, looking at that it looks like you can get it directly from a file that way through the array.

That should get rid of 1.4 hours of your data reading.

and then as I read your question more carefully it looks like you aren't asking python to do anything that could not be entirely done in R. So, why the python code at all?
I just don't know know to process highly customized data in R. And I use python for lexical analysis in the description region of the data file.
+1  A: 

My understanding is that you have:

  • python code that uses rpy2 in places

  • performance issues that can be traced to calls to rpy2

  • the performance issues do not currently appear to have much to do with rpy2 itself, as the underlying R is largely responsible for the running time

  • a part of your R code was reading bytes one at a time and append them to a list, which you improved by moving that part to Python

It is somehow hard to try helping without seeing the actual code and you may want to consider:

  • a buffering strategies for reading bytes (as this was already answered by John).

  • work on optimizing your R code

  • consider trivial parallelization (and eventually rent compute space on the cloud)

Hi lgautier, your understandings are right, except the 4th: I read the data from binary from with Python then pass them to R via Rpy. That reading strategy is byte-by-byte and not optimized.I have used trivial parallelization, and the time consumed is still not acceptable. I have some updates on profiling R code in my post. Plz take a look :)