I have a couple of conceptual questions:
- regarding serving static files (media) in Django in production.
I understand that Django serves static files in development different than in production:
read this:
http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/howto/deployment/modpython/#serving-media-files http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/howto/deployment/modwsgi/#howto-deployment-modwsgi
Which one is the way to go? mod python or mod wsgi?
What would be a excellent file structure to store all the files of a django website,: e.g. js, python code, media etc when using either of the two options above?
- Another conceptual difficulty I have is regarding templates:
If I have a template and in that template I have variables like {{ variable.name }} or tags {% tagname %} and I want to write in this variable or tag either text, images, sounds, videos etc, how does the def in the view.py (where I believe it has to be stored to be then written in the template) be written to "write" into the template.
I hope that is not confusing and to complicated. What I dont understand is the process how I can write into a template.
I know it takes variables, these are defined in the view, but I dont understand what steps conceptually I need to write to this template.