



If another website is making a POST to my ASP.NET MVC 2 site, how can I capture it? Do I need to do anything to the routes?

eg The other site does this:

string url = "";  // that's my site's controller action

NameValueCollection inputs = new NameValueCollection();
inputs.Add("SessionId", "11111");
System.Net.WebClient Client = new WebClient();
byte[] result = Client.UploadValues(url, inputs);

How do I receive that POST on my site? I have tried:

public ActionResult TestReceive(FormCollection fc) {} // doesn't get hit

public ActionResult TestReceive(string SessionId) {} // method gets hit but session id is null

public ActionResult TestReceive() 
    var param = ControllerContext.RouteData.Values["parameter"].ToString(); // Values["parameter"] is null

I do not control the other site and it must be a POST (not a webservice or anything else)

As another twist they will POST around 10 variables, but some are optional, so they may not be in the POST data.

+1  A: 
public ActionResult TestReceive(string sessionId) 

Also as there's no controller specified in the url you should make sure that the controller that contains this action is the default controller in the routes.

Darin Dimitrov
I tried that one, and sessionId was null - wonder if I did something wrong? But I just retested now and it was null again. I made sure to match the case of the SessionId param correctly too. And the url above was an example, the real one does have /controller/action.
@JK, the case doesn't matter. I've just tested this using the default project template (default routes) and it worked perfectly fine.
Darin Dimitrov
I'm just testing it with a plain html file with < form action="..etc..." method="post"> < input id="SessionId" >. I will have to see if using WebClient makes a difference (it shouldn't)
I hope you are testing with `<input name="SessionId" type="text" value="foo" />` and not `<input id="SessionId" type="text" value="foo" />` as there's a fundamental difference.
Darin Dimitrov
Thanks - the problem was using id="SessionId" instead of name="SessionId" in the test html form