



I would like to be able to zoom and unzoom on a Java2D scene made of Path2D.Double without thickening the lines, just by dilating the distances.

I'v tried to apply a transformation to the Graphics2D object the paintComponent method receives, but this makes the lines thicker. The only way I found was to apply a transformation to the lines (line.transform(AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(2d,2d)) for instance) but every time I zoom and unzoom again, I lose information because of floating point errors.

To make a long story short: the transformations are destructive. is there a way to say "i want to draw this line with that transformation applied without modifying the content of the line"?


As you found, changing the Graphics2D transform affects all drawing, but nothing precludes saving, modifying and restoring the transform inside paintComponent(). In this example, the content is drawn in a scaled context, while a Rectangle.Double surrounding the target object is drawn unscaled.

Addendum: The example uses explicit transformations, but you can use AffineTransform, instead. Like Rectangle2D, Path2D implements the Shape interface, so you can use createInverse() and createTransformedShape(), accordingly. Here's a related example.

I saw that I could save a transformation and restore it later for what concerns Graphics2D but I what I would like to do can be reformulated as doing the same with a Path2D.
Paul Brauner
@Paul Brauner: You can use `AffineTransform` on `Path2D`, as suggested above.
yep, but then it modifies the Path2D, that's the whole point, I would like to be able to apply it to a Path2D and get a new one without modifying the original one
Paul Brauner
@Paul Brauner: I'd think you could use the copy constructor, `Path2D.Double(Shape s, AffineTransform at)`, to copy and transform the original.
+1  A: 

I found the solution: I change the line width according to the scale factor in Graphic2D, that way I can apply the transform to Graphic2D itself and it doesn't destruct the original coordinates contained in the Path2D.

tr = g.getTransform()
g.setStroke(new java.awt.BasicStroke(1.0f/scaleFactor.toFloat))
/* draw lines */
Paul Brauner